I started this with the 3.2 trueSpace that was available for free around 2003, I played with it for a lot of time, doing simple things and then trying to do complicated things, but it was really hard. Then after I having a basis of modelling I just discovered that the last trueSpace version (7.6) was available for free, I then start modelling and the new tools and tutorials helped me to improve my skills exponentially.

Another great boost was when I entered the Forums and then the U3DA, all those people were experts and willing to share and help, also I got really encouraged. I started doing simple objects and I never did a composition and good lightning, so that was the next step and when I finally did I felt extremely good and even won a SMC (Speed Modelling Challenge), my first, at U3DA, the prize was just the honor. =)

Then I tried doing other compositions but went round and round and never finishing because I leaved the simplicity of the first and it was a bad thing, as Constantin Broncus already said "Simplicity is complexity resolved.", so that's what I'm trying to do now.

The following post will show my portfolio until now.
